
March Updates | Strengthen Knowledge Base Management and AI Chatbot

In March, HelpLook has introduced a series of feature enhancements across three major categories, focusing on knowledge base management enhancements and AI chatbot optimizations. Let's dive into the new features that have been rolled out!



Quick Overview of Feature Updates

Knowledge Base Use and Management

1. Articles Now Show Who Has Read Them

2. CMS Import File API

3. Knowledge Base Supports Creating Articles Using Templates

4. Update Article Content API

5. Knowledge Base Now Displays the Category Path of Search Results


AI Chatbot

1. AI Chatbot Now Supports Custom Domain Names

2. Chatbot Upload File API

3. AI Chatbot Content List Can Now Be Sorted by Word Count

4. Support Retrying Failed Links with One Click

5. Support Batch Deletion of Data


Access Control Management

1. Knowledge Base's Access Permission Now Includes Email Verification


Knowledge Base Use and Management

Articles Now Show Who Has Read Them

For internal corporate knowledge bases, displaying read members can promote communication and collaboration within the company while controlling the flow of information and securing sensitive data.


① First, set the site access permission to verification code access.



② Then, the article will display its readers.



CMS Import File API

Import the file to the target CMS and create an article in the root directory. Only docx and md files are supported.



Body Type: multipart/form-data








*Code can be directly copied from the HelpLook Help Center.


Knowledge Base Supports Creating Articles Using Templates

HelpLook allows users to create article templates according to their own needs. Articles contain some common structures, paragraphs, and formats.


①Edit the template style according to your own needs.



②Click the symbol “···” and select “Save as template



③Click “+” and select “Create template article” to apply the template



Update Article Content API

Update document content.



Body Type: multipart/form-data








*Code can be directly copied from the HelpLook Help Center.


Knowledge Base Now Displays the Category Path of Search Results

The knowledge base search results now include a display of the category paths, making it easier to quickly locate and edit content, thus improving maintenance efficiency.



AI Chatbot

AI Chatbot Now Supports Custom Domain Names

Custom domain can make your website more professional and help improve brand recognition. At the same time, you can also optimize search engine of the search engine so that the target group can find your website more quickly and easily. Therefore, it is important for you to choose and formulate a suitable custom domain for your product.


①ChatBot: Click "Settings" ->"Web Plugins", select "Custom Domain".



②Select whether to have filed (Alibaba Cloud/Tencent Cloud/Unfiled): If you have already filed, you need to fill in the ICP Filing number in the box below, and do not use it if you have not filed an ICP.

③Enter custom domain and click "Save" after completion.


*This feature can only be enabled after upgrading for the paid version.

*Please login management platform domain name to add record of CNAME and point to


Chatbot Upload File API

Upload files to the target Chatbot, only supporting docx and markdown files.


Body Type: multipart/form-data









*Code can be directly copied from the HelpLook Help Center.


AI Chatbot Content List Can Now Be Sorted by Word Count

You can sort the imported links and files that have completed training according to the number of words in the background.



Support Retrying Failed Links with One Click

Some links may experience access timeout and crawl failure. If there are links that failed to be crawled, click "Retry failed links".



Support Batch Deletion of Data

HelpLook AI ChatBot supports batch/multi-select deletion of imported links and file information. Just check the information you want to delete.



Access Control Management

Knowledge Base's Access Permission Now Includes Email Verification

Set Permissions

①Click "Settings"->"Site Settings"->"Access Rights", select "Verification code access".



Add Member

②Click "Add verified user", enter the name and email, click "Save". Access time limit can be customized.


*This feature is only available in the enterprise version



Create Group

At the same time, you can group members accessed by verification codes to facilitate management and viewing.



③After setting, the added user needs to enter the mailbox to get the authentication code to access the site.



If you're interested, try HelpLook for free now! In addition to the features mentioned above, HelpLook has also adjusted and updated other important functions.


You can visit the HelpLook Help Center or contact our customer service team for more information.

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Last modified: 2024-04-08Powered by